
Posterior (dorsal) view
Posterior antebrachial cutaneous
nerve (from radial nerve)
Cephalic vein
Superficial branch of radial nerve
Extensor retinaculum (thickening
of posterior antebrachial fascia)
Communicating branches
of radial and ulnar nerves
Basilic vein
Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
Dorsal venous
network of hand
Dorsal metacarpal veins
Intercapitular veins
Dorsal digital nerves and veins
Dorsal branches of proper
palmar digital nerves
Note: Lymphatic pathways shown in black;
arrows indicate direction of drainage.
Probe in dorsal
subaponeurotic space
(between opened dorsal
fascia of hand and dorsal
interosseous fascia)
Plates 402
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